The health and wellbeing of your pet are paramount to our staff at Beau’s Pet Hotel. This factsheet is to inform your responsibilities and the requirements of providing medication to be administered by Beau’s Pet Hotel during your pet’s stay.
Medication must be brought in the original packaging with the original vet label or letter. This label must include the following information:
Name of medication
Date prescribed
Dosage of medication
Vet Name and contact details
If your pet currently receives a different dose than the prescribed instruction on the packet, please visit your vet for an updated label. Medication must come in its original form (not dispersed in food) as this can diminish the effectiveness of the medication.
Beau’s Pet Hotel reserves the right to refuse your medication if not properly labelled, in its original packaging or if the actual dosage differs from the instruction on the packet
You will be charged per day for medication required during your pet’s stay and the price can be quoted at the time of booking.
If your pet has a medical condition where administration of medication is symptomatic i.e. lameness or itching, please ask your vet to print out information regarding their condition and clear dosage instructions should Beau’s Pet Hotel need to start treatment.
As the owner, it is your responsibility to make sure there is an ample supply of medication for the length of your pet’s stay at Beau’s Pet Hotel. We ask that you supply more medication than required just in case you need to extend their stay due to unforeseen circumstances.
If your pet’s medication runs out during their stay our Customer Service team will contact you to advise of the situation, and we will replenish the medication at your expense (including veterinary, travel and labour costs).
As the owner, it is your responsibility to make sure the medication you supply has not expired. If the medication supplied has expired, it will NOT be administered. If your pet’s medication expires during their stay our Customer Service team will contact you to advise you of the situation, and we will replace the medication at your expense (including veterinary, travel and labour costs).
Any dietary supplements such as fish oil, glucosamine, etc. are welcome and are considered medication and subject to all terms and conditions of other medications.
At check-in, our Animal Attendant Team Leader will discuss your pet's medication and requirements. You will then be required to sign a medication form stating that you authorise Beau’s Pet Hotel to administer the prescribed medication at the dose written on the form. Please allow extra time at check-in as it is a vital part of our check-in process and can take some time if your animal has multiple medications.
If you have any questions, please contact our friendly team by emailing